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Here you'll find everything you need to know about contributing to the project.

First time contributing to open source?

It's easy! Here are some resources to get started:


Special thanks to all the contributors. I look forward to seeing you in the list!

Project Goals

The goal of webext-core is to create useful, targetted, quality utilities for creating and publishing web extensions. Not just Chrome extensions, but web extensions that work on all browsers, for all manifest versions.

With that in mind, there's a couple of expectations I have around new code:

  • Code is written in TypeScript and packages provide great TypeScript support.
  • Fully unit tested. I won't require 100% coverage, but it should be close.
  • Utilities support all browsers.

If you're just fixing a bug or improving the docs, feel free to open a PR!

If you want to create a new package, open an issue first. That way we can collaborate and make sure it fits the purpose listed above. If it's not something I want to maintain or it doesn't fit this project, I don't want you to have wasted time working on it. We all have lives to live 😃

Development Setup

You'll need to install some tools:

  • NodeJS, v16 or above
  • PNPM: Install it via corepack enable

Then you can fork the repo, install the dependencies, and build the packages for the first time!

git clone <your-forl>
cd webext-core
pnpm i
pnpm build

Project Layout

The webext-core repo is a monorepo containing all the packages under the @webext-core scope.

Here's an overview of the main directories:

Each package's README (packages/*/ will have additional details for setting up or testing the package.

In general, all packages are the same.

  • They all have a with additional documentation
  • They all use src/index.ts as the entrypoint
  • They all use tsup for building the final package for NPM
  • They're all written in TypeScript
  • They all share the same basic scripts for common tasks


In the root directory, you can run the following scripts:

pnpm build  # Run the build script for all packages
pnpm docs   # Run the docs website locally
pnpm format # Run prettier to format all your files

Or cd into a package's directory and run these scripts

pnpm build   # Build the package and it's dependencies
pnpm compile # Check for type errors
pnpm test    # Run unit tests in watch mode

Each directory might have additional scripts you can run. See each package.json for a complete list.

Publishing Packages

Only owners of the repo can publish a new version of the extension. But in summary: other than pressing the button, everything is automated via the "Publish Packages" GitHub action. That includes:

  • Bumping the package version
  • Generating release notes
  • Createing a GitHub release
  • Publishing to NPM

The action will run these steps for a set list of packages.

There is no way to filter or prevent a package from being publish when running this command. If there's a feat or fix unpublished for any package, it will get published. Packages without any features or fixes will be skipped.

Commit Style

If you are submitting PRs, don't worry about this! A maintainer will squash and merge your PR with a commit message in the correct style.

Each commit's title effects the publishing process. The style is based on conventional commits, but using scoped prefixes. Use the fix(package-name): and feat(package-name): prefixes when commiting a change. For example, the following commit history:

docs: Fixed typos
fix(storage): Some change
feat(proxy-service): Some new feature
chore: Refactored scripts

Would result in a patch version change for @webext-core/storage (like from 1.2.1 → 1.2.2), and a minor change for @webext-core/proxy-service (like from 1.3.4 → 1.4.0).

Publishing a New Package

When publishing a package for the first time, publish it by hand and create a release manually.

cd packages/package-name
pnpm publish

Updating Docs

This documentation website is continuously deployed on Vercel. You do not need to run any actions or scripts to publish the docs. Just push changes to main.

Released under the MIT License.